Name: Emma Dainty
Nickname: Ive
got a few actually, trev, oi, ems, sausage (dont ask) Ronald!
D.O.B 20/10/87
Position: Midfielder
A member of the ladies team since: 2005
Supports: Liverpool
Funniest Moment at club
: Getting drunk at the camping trip in the summer and watching England play Portugal in a bar & shouting "i
hate Ronaldo" out loud constantly and hugging a random bloke after we scored one of are pens
Worst Moment playing football: breaking me
ankle twice so i couldnt play for ages
What do you like to do when you are not playing football: driving,
watch liverpool, hang round with me mates.
honours in football have you won: mini world cup, in the summer cambridge united tournament when i was
11. thats about it.
Emma signed for us in
the summer 2005 .She is a very stong tackeler of the ball and has improved immensely since she joined the club, She has worked
hard over the summer and has earnt a regualar place in the team. She can play in serveral positions on the pitch from midfield
to defence and even in goal where she played most of pre season friendlies this summer due to a twisted ankle